Friday, June 22, 2007

Viral Blogging Adventure

Do you have your own blog?
Want to have some adventure?
If you have your own blog, and want to create some viral back links and have some fun, I invite you to participate with me. While none of us will make a single penny from this, it will be a fascinating experiment to see where the viral nature of this leads us!
Copy the list of 10 blogs below. Take the #1 name off the list, and add your blog name in the #10 spot. Link your blog name and url, and post this newly revised list to your blog. Visit 100 blog owners and invite them to do the same thing on their blog.
3. Fax Marketing
4. Jack Squatro
5. DidYouSmellThat
6. TurboRecruiting
7. RyanShamus
8. Martial Arts Supplies
9. Make Money Online
10. Your Blog URL Here
There is no money, no $5 reports, no instant cash in the mail. Just a blogging viral tribute to the greatest chain letter creator of all time, Mr. Edward L. Greene!=================================

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Internet MLM "Gurus" and their companies

I've noticed something in researching all of the highly touted internet systems of recruiting, self funded lead systems, autopilot lead systems and all those sorts of highly touted and often highly expensive training systems which tout the new wave of mlm and scoffing at the archaic old school way of building an network marketing business. Why is it that these gurus that teach these "new school ways of building never seem to be involved in what I would classify as a "real network markeing company". It's seems all to often that these guru's made their mark with an mlm whose product is nothing more than some sort of tool or service designed to simple turn around and market its own opportunity. Now don't get me wrong most of these companies are very legal and valid and in many cases have a really neat product or service but why is it that I've never seen their products or services work effectively to promote anything outside of their own opportunity? I just don't see many of the new "industry gurus" making their mark with a company that is anything more than a fad.

It is quite possible that I'm simple finding things to compensate for my own inability to become one of the "heavy hitters" but the trend toward the trendy quick buck in network marketing is scary and dangerous to the industry. In my humble opinion if you ever see an opportunity that touts a system which does not require human intervention.. don't walk, run run far away. Lets get back to basics and find a product/service/company that you can get passionate about and stake your reputation on and tell your story like its going out of style. It may not be the most stylish system of building mlm but its where the biggest and most residual checks are continuing to be made.

Shawn Cornett

Monday, June 4, 2007

Book Review: Atlas Shrugged by Any Rand

I'm about 3/4 of the way through reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. This book has been on my read list for years after hearing praises by some of the top network marketing trainers in the industry as well as several non MLM personal development gurus. I've never read a novel and I doubt that I ever will again because the nature of most novels is not that of any productive motive. This book I've not been able to put Atlas Shrugged down. I've been staying up till 2 and 3 in the morning, thankfully I can wake up whenever I want, ahh the beauty of the freedom that true network marketing can bring.

There would be no way to really explain how but the driving principles and motives behind this book have flamed a fire inside me unlike any other self help book as been able to do. I've bookmarked several pages along the way that are nothing short of literary masterpieces and serve as monuments greater than the Statue of Liberty to the true philosophy of free enterprise and the American Way as well as serving to validate the heart and soul of the network marketing philosophy.

Even though it has no direct bearing on network marketing or contain any direct mlm training concepts or shortcuts, there is a reason that this book has been read by most every great success I've encountered. I can't say its a must read only because your business may come to a halt for about 2 weeks should you choose to open the first page.

More to come..

By the way, if you are looking for a book that is a must read and is choke full of mlm training, tips and shortcuts, checkout, it's the summation of my mlm knowledge.

Shawn Cornett

Sunday, June 3, 2007

A disturbing mlm trend toward get rich quick internet marketing

I had a conversation recently with a aging "mlm big-hitter". A guy that did achieve a large degree of success with one of the first, if not the first network marketing company to use a powerline system. Since that first success he has collected residual checks that have slowely dwindled down 5 years later to somewhere between 5 and 10k per month. Not bad really, in fact pretty darn good for having done nothing but purchase the monthly minimum requirement.

Now comes the slightly disturbing part of the conversation.

Since being actively involved in mlm he has gone on to build a very successful company that develops the same type of powerline systems and other online marketing tools for other companies and teams. He has built dozens of systems, in fact he built one for my team a while back. My thoughts and opinions on powerline systems are food for another blog entry but for now I'll just say that like most labor unions, powerlines are a bit past their prime and no longer of much use... i.e. the days of email blasting 10,000 people and getting any real response is over.

OK, here it comes...

His latest venture is starting his own mlm company, not one, but multiple!!! And he plans on continuing to roll out new mlms every 6 months or so, and here was his logic: every 3-6 months some new online deal comes out that is the latest and greatest and everybody rushes and jumps to it, why try to start one company only to see it go in and out of style, I'm just going to have the latest and greatest deal for everybody to jump to every couple months. Unfortunatelly he is doing extremely well with it and at last count he is on his 3rd company

I believe that this kind of get rich quick attitude is killing mlm. It's no longer a "give 2-4 years" for a lifetime of residual income, now it's spam the hell out of everybody with the latest get rich quick mlm for a 2-4 month run of scamming people out of money gone toward something that was never meant to last.

It used to be that the bad apples would show up on but now they come and go so quick that you never knew that they were there except that several thousand more people got a bad taste in their mouth by a company riding the popularity wave of mlm.

Your thoughts please...

Shawn Cornett

Giving back to the industry i love

I love mlm. I don't believe there to be a more fulfilling career path on the planet. While my personal success within the mlm industry has by most standards been exceptional it pales in comparison to the legends of who's ranks I will ascend.

For my inagural post here I would like to introduce a website I've developed which at this point is a pure giveback to the industry. It is an mlm training hub unlike any on the internet. No ads, no adwords, no upsells and honestly way for me to make money off it at this point. A site with nothing but meat, the best mlm training and personal development I've come across in the past 8 years of my full-time involvment with mlm.

Please take a look at let me know what you think.

Shawn Cornett