Monday, June 4, 2007

Book Review: Atlas Shrugged by Any Rand

I'm about 3/4 of the way through reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. This book has been on my read list for years after hearing praises by some of the top network marketing trainers in the industry as well as several non MLM personal development gurus. I've never read a novel and I doubt that I ever will again because the nature of most novels is not that of any productive motive. This book I've not been able to put Atlas Shrugged down. I've been staying up till 2 and 3 in the morning, thankfully I can wake up whenever I want, ahh the beauty of the freedom that true network marketing can bring.

There would be no way to really explain how but the driving principles and motives behind this book have flamed a fire inside me unlike any other self help book as been able to do. I've bookmarked several pages along the way that are nothing short of literary masterpieces and serve as monuments greater than the Statue of Liberty to the true philosophy of free enterprise and the American Way as well as serving to validate the heart and soul of the network marketing philosophy.

Even though it has no direct bearing on network marketing or contain any direct mlm training concepts or shortcuts, there is a reason that this book has been read by most every great success I've encountered. I can't say its a must read only because your business may come to a halt for about 2 weeks should you choose to open the first page.

More to come..

By the way, if you are looking for a book that is a must read and is choke full of mlm training, tips and shortcuts, checkout, it's the summation of my mlm knowledge.

Shawn Cornett

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